企業性質: 中外合資企業
成立時間: 2012-9-25
所在區域: 秦皇島市
地址:河北大街與文化路交叉口 0
秦皇島納吉醫療器械有限公司面對新的牙科通路競爭與市場發展,目前公司已代理了法國的歐洲之星種植體系統(Euroteknika implant system)大陸地區人工牙根與美國種植牙醫學會專科醫師數位課程中國地區總代理,以及其它口腔材料相關產品,并與中國氧化鋯製造廠愛迪特公司在中國合資秦皇島納吉醫療器械公司,服務更多牙醫客戶.
In the face of new dental channel competition and market development, QINHUANGDAO NIKE MEDICAL INSTRUMENT INC has been the general agent for Euroteknika implant system and the American Dental Implant Association Digital Courses (ADIA) in China, as well as other dental material products. Moreover, Zirconia manufacturer, Qinhuangdao Aidite High-technical Ceramics Co., Ltd, act as joint venture with QINHUANGDAO NIKE MEDICAL INSTRUMENT INC. Our company aims to offer better service to more dental clients.